Well done!

Laid out like a brilliant trial cross-examination and of hostile witnesses: never ask a question to which you don't already have the answer

I'm a Senator Merkley Fan Girl. Always did like the smart ones

And you know where his power comes from: having the facts to hand, delivering them in a clear, concise, cogent manner, knowing when to shut the down the non-answer, and not losing your cool

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Hillary Clinton said it more than eight years ago. Trump is Putin's puppet.

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It was such a shocking moment! I remember exactly where I was when I heard it during the debate…Hillary was SO GOOD (although I felt, and still feel, that it was a tragic error to run her in that campaign, as there were/are so many people who simply hate her with a white-hot rage). When she used the word “puppet,” and he said, so weirdly, “No puppet! No puppet!”, it sounded like his programming had glitched. Please excuse the mile-long URL:


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Senator Merkley was masterful! You described it perfectly! Excellent job..I wonder if the inability to give the answers is evidence enough?

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If only ...

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Nice to see at least one senator earn their paycheck this month.

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Keep an eye on Oregon! Our senators always represent!

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Merkley is amazing for starting this line of questioning. I pray other Dems continue this journey of interrogation re asset Krasnov and ask anyone and EVERYONE in Trump’s orbit these questions and more.

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That was fabulous....now why aren't the Dems shouting this through all Medias......Don't they know any good old fashioned hucksters wo know how to advertise....Show this encounter on the sides of big wide walls and buildings......where's the creativity.....we have so much good stuff to work with.....where is my donation money going

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I’m so impressed by and so grateful to Senator Merkley.

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Heather Cox Richardson: “Trump’s claims that Putin wants peace were belied when Russia launched massive strikes at Ukraine as soon as Trump stopped sharing intelligence with Ukrainian forces that enabled them to shoot down incoming fire…”

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Huge props to Senator Merkley. This is what we need again and again and again.

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All of the writers at Closer to the Edge, WOW! You follow the stories, point out the bad guys and our heros - if only people were listening, understanding who plays each role, then have the balls to to do the right thing. You and people like Senator Merkley give me hope.

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Thank you! Readers like you make the feeling mutual!

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FINALLY. Someone has the guts to say it. Voice the thought we all knew was true since the Helsinki meeting in 2018. The body language of Trump vs Putin as the two men entered the room after spending hours together in a secret meeting gave it away. I knew immediately that Trump had been schooled by Putin, even before Trump betrayed himself by his words.

MSM, study this interview carefully - and start describing what we all see in this way!!

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Accept he is. Long established, long cultivated one. To stupid for an agent. The most useful putin's idiot.

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For the past 47 days we the people (well some of us) have been venting about the assinine behavior of Orange SHitler, giving an unelected migrant carte balance access to everything, pardoned his fellow treasonous felons and convicts, licking Putin’s ass and destroying our democracy… Then on March 4 he had the effrontery to spew his lies and treachery on a national scale while the opposition sat submissively (Thank You Rep. Al Green for standing up for truth) and courteously.

It’s time for action. Let’s keep in mind that the longer this is allowed to continue, the harder it will be to stop it.. it’s called behavioral inertia. It’s akin to the apathy we feel toward gun violence - a 3 year old fatally shoots a 5 year old and it’s another day in America!

We have read the history books, seen the movies, heard the accounts… there will come a time where ‘following orders’ will lead to the death of innocents. We clearly cannot wait for the representatives in the legislature nor the judiciary to act, they’ve proven they don’t care to. We must take to the streets. We cannot go on boycotting corporate businesses one day and the next continue as if nothing is awry. Here’s hoping a leader rises up !! I’ve run out of expletives to describe this shitshow..

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Thank you for sharing this. I just watched the hearing. Appalling to say the very least. Good for the senator - he was brilliant

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Am curious how much attention this gets in the media.

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Go check out our latest article.

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Well done Senator Merkley! And thank you.

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