In trumps world….everything is for sale.. let that sink in a moment. A shoe, a Bible, a fake trump coin, a watch, a director position at a premier us agency….even the truth can be sold…..his soul is up for sale and apparently ours is as well….
I've said for a long time now, if he got reelected, he would bankrupt this country and sell it to the highest bidder….
Everything he's doing will bankrupt this country. He's already alienated us on the world stage and killed our partnerships and friendships with allies.
He's made our military weaker and has installed dimwits in the highest offices in our government, who oversee our nuclear stockpile, the FAA, our military, the Pentagon and USAID, though this isnt an exhaustive list. We will be less able to protect ourselves, and make no mistake - there are people whom trump thinks he's “courting” who wouldn't pass up the chance to take this country over, if given ½ a chance.
Hes bankrupting farmers and has effectively slowed down food distribution in our OWN country with mass deportations and tariffs, also making food even MORE expensive just by the rule of supply and demand. Tariffs make this even worse.
Hes turning law enforcement into foot soldiers for loyalty enforcement. We aren't there yet, and I hope I'm wrong. Then, of course, he released 1600 insurrectionists from prison, giving them the license they need to do whatever they want, standing back and standing by.
If there was ever a time i wished to high heaven that I'm wrong - this would be that time.
When I have defended refugees and migrants because I am an immigrant, people say, "Yeah, but you did it the right way." Yep, I fell in love with an American and jumped through all the hoops ... the thousand bucks here, the thousand bucks there, chest X-rays, vaccinations (hello, RFK Jr!), the multiple headshots, the trip to Vancouver to interview, the suspicion at the border, all the fun parts. Now this greasy-assed motherfucker is just going to let people with money come walking through the door. I hate this man with the fire of a thousand suns.
In trumps world….everything is for sale.. let that sink in a moment. A shoe, a Bible, a fake trump coin, a watch, a director position at a premier us agency….even the truth can be sold…..his soul is up for sale and apparently ours is as well….
I've said for a long time now, if he got reelected, he would bankrupt this country and sell it to the highest bidder….
Everything he's doing will bankrupt this country. He's already alienated us on the world stage and killed our partnerships and friendships with allies.
He's made our military weaker and has installed dimwits in the highest offices in our government, who oversee our nuclear stockpile, the FAA, our military, the Pentagon and USAID, though this isnt an exhaustive list. We will be less able to protect ourselves, and make no mistake - there are people whom trump thinks he's “courting” who wouldn't pass up the chance to take this country over, if given ½ a chance.
Hes bankrupting farmers and has effectively slowed down food distribution in our OWN country with mass deportations and tariffs, also making food even MORE expensive just by the rule of supply and demand. Tariffs make this even worse.
Hes turning law enforcement into foot soldiers for loyalty enforcement. We aren't there yet, and I hope I'm wrong. Then, of course, he released 1600 insurrectionists from prison, giving them the license they need to do whatever they want, standing back and standing by.
If there was ever a time i wished to high heaven that I'm wrong - this would be that time.
Trump is a vapid, spineless snake oil salesman. It’s a damn shame he’s dragging America down with him.
Always be grifting.
And who is going to track this money? Do they just come to the Oval and hand Trump sacks of cash?
It's bizarre and sad, but so well written. 😍
This is beyond depressing.
When I have defended refugees and migrants because I am an immigrant, people say, "Yeah, but you did it the right way." Yep, I fell in love with an American and jumped through all the hoops ... the thousand bucks here, the thousand bucks there, chest X-rays, vaccinations (hello, RFK Jr!), the multiple headshots, the trip to Vancouver to interview, the suspicion at the border, all the fun parts. Now this greasy-assed motherfucker is just going to let people with money come walking through the door. I hate this man with the fire of a thousand suns.
Well done!
Who wrote this? I've seen it reposted a few times today, but never with an author's credit. Great gonzo journalism here.