Also, the hacker gave Musk 2 left feet. Perfect!

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Haha! I noticed that, too. Great metaphor.

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I think that’s an AI glitch. I could be wrong about it but that’s been the case in other AI generated images.

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Almost certainly. But it worked out well in this case.

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No its because cyborgs ain't right.

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The next one should be Putin but not his feet.

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Every day is another WTF day! 🤯🙈🤣

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I look forward to your articles with bated breath and when a new one drops, I'm like a kid on Christmas morning. I knew from the pict this one was going to be goood! LOL — So well written, this one was especially hilarious! Bravo! Thank you, Santa! xo

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Bet Anonymous had something to do with this.

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That was my first thought. Either that or one of Elno's li'l DOGEys showing where their loyalties lie.

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I'm going to buy Suetonius "new" book "Lives of the Caesars" to see what happens next.

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Want to see the GIF? I'm sure it's everywhere by now, but here's one link:


This has the added benefit of showing it in the wild, as it were: it's a phone recording of a TV in a hallway, presumably in the HUD building.

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No. No, we do not. ;)

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:D :D :D

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Two left feet…

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Two left feet? Lol

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Two left feet?

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Why two left feet?

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Wow! That's impressive.

American English sure is expressive when it comes to putting people in their little place.

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A coupla synonyms:

lumbering awkward

blundering bumbling

ponderous ungainly

uncoordinated unwieldy

clumsy gauche

inept laborious

maladroit oafish

stolid ungraceful

clunking gawky

graceless klutzy

unhandy wooden

like a bull in a china shop butterfingered

clunky handless

heavy-handed ham-fisted

cack-handed all thumbs

ham-handed inexpert

unskilful unskillful

cloddish lubberly

clodhopping bungling

stumbling floundering

unsophisticated inelegant

all fingers and thumbs flat-footed

accident-prone gawkish

inexperienced gangling

unco unfortunate

left-handed incompetent

amateurish unskilled

amateur unprofessional

crude useless

untrained botched

unfit incapable

substandard unqualified

ineffectual dilettante

dilettantish unable

unfitted unpolished

fumbled unproficient

nonprofessional jackleg

inefficient inferior

inapt clownish

stiff rude

green ineffective

unworkmanlike rough

deficient artless

skill-less unreliable

undependable elephantine

unrefined coarse

slipshod no good

undexterous fumbling

shambling laboredUS

labouredUK untalented

cowboy uncouth

unadept butterfingers

shoddy bovine

hopeless wanting

heavy-footed unequipped

with two left feet unapt

not up to scratch heavy

inadequate foolish

muddled lumpish

botching unpractised

slow sloppy

slapdash bodged

raw cumbersome

unaccomplished loutish

unsteady hulking

having two left feet having two left hands

uninitiated stilted

bush-league not agile

all thumbs not good enough

lacking ability rough-hewn

inadept poor

ambilevous careless

menial unartful

fumbly hack

mutton-fisted coltish

slouching crass

unfacile indelicate

talentless unproductive

unsuccessful slow-moving

flakeyUS flakyUK

uncultivated out of your depth

ill-bred bulky

without finesse inproficient

lacking finesse faltering

claudicant limping

uneven halting

hobbling impotent

bad bum

weak feckless

shiftless inefficacious

feeble worthless

simple primitive

rustic unpracticed

blunderous rudimentary

plain pathetic

rough and ready jerry-rigged

jerry-built jury-rigged

rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready

unsuitable insufficient

lacking ineligible

disqualified incapacitated

helpless unadapted

farcical not equal to

a dead loss not much cop

not cut out for not up to snuff

leaving much to be desired not up to it

unable to do something for toffee out to lunch

less capable not have it

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Here’s the list of federal agencies DOGE has infiltrated or purged — it’s staggering:

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Department of the Treasury, Small Business Administration, National Nuclear Security Administration, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Transportation, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Commerce, Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, Social Security Administration, Office of Personnel Management, Federal Election Commission, National Archives, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Education.

Through this, DOGE has laid off thousands of experienced civil servants and threatened over two million more.

They've infiltrated and manipulated computer systems and accessed confidential, classified data. They've dragged portable beds into offices. They’ve made cuts to vital programs.

They’ve taken away food and services from kids and killed people.

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The Constitution is King!

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Fab writing. Ta much. Would like to think ‘equity’ is ‘Equality’ though? Yes? Or am I daft?

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For me this reads like the Harry Potter book with Dolores Umbridge and the Weasley twins having fun with her….

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